The Natural Allure of Green Sapphire: Nature's Elegant Gem

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Nature has a remarkable way of capturing beauty in all its forms, and one of its most captivating creations is the green sapphire. With its enchanting hue and mesmerising properties, the green sapphire stands as a testament to the wonders of our planet's geological processes. In this blog post, we'll dive deep into the world of green sapphires, exploring their origin, characteristics, symbolism, and how they've captured the hearts of gem enthusiasts around the globe.

The Science Behind Lab-Grown Green Sapphires

Lab Sapphires (also called "Synthetic Sapphires") are chemically identical to a natural Sapphire. Depending on the production method, they might be a tiny bit different under 50x magnification, but with other methods, they are 100% identical. They won't look fake or tacky - the biggest factor that goes into a gemstone's appearance is the choice of cut/design and the quality of the cutting.

The Two Methods Stag & Finch Uses:

The Czochralski Pulled method uses a tiny starter crystal that is dipped into a solution and very, very slowly pulled out. This process is so slow, that it only produces Sapphire at a rate of 2mm/hour, but results in a lab-created gemstone that has the same optical properties and hardness as its mined counterpart. The brightness of our Sapphire is RI 1.76-1.77, identical to other sapphire colours.

The Flame Fusion method was one of the first commercially successful methods to be developed. It involves dropping powdered chemicals through a high-temperature flame where it melts, and falls onto a rotating pedestal, growing the sapphire drop by drop. This process takes much less time than the Czochralski Pulled method, but does have the possibility of creating gems with colour zoning.

green step cut african sapphire

The Origins of Green Sapphire: Nature's Masterpiece

Sapphires are a variety of the mineral corundum, and their colour is primarily attributed to trace elements present during their formation. While blue sapphires might be the most famous and sought-after, green sapphires offer a unique and distinct allure. The green colour in these gems is the result of iron and titanium trace elements interacting with the crystal lattice structure of corundum.

Green sapphires are typically found in a range of green shades, from a delicate pastel green to a deep forest green. Their colour can be influenced by various factors, including the concentration of trace elements, the presence of other minerals during their formation, and the geological conditions that shaped them. The most prized green sapphires exhibit a vivid and evenly distributed colour, captivating the observer with their natural beauty.

1.03ct African Sapphire

Characteristics and Varieties

Green sapphires, like their counterparts in other colours, exhibit exceptional hardness, scoring 9 on the Mohs scale. This durability makes them an ideal choice for jewellery that's meant to last a lifetime.

One intriguing aspect of green sapphires is their ability to change colour under different lighting conditions. Some green sapphires might appear bluish-green under natural daylight but shift to a warmer green under incandescent lighting. This phenomenon, known as pleochroism, adds another layer of fascination to these gemstones.

Symbolism and Meanings

Gemstones have carried symbolism and meaning across cultures and civilizations for centuries, and green sapphires are no exception. Green is often associated with nature, growth, renewal, and harmony. Green sapphires are believed to symbolise wisdom, loyalty, and a connection to the Earth. In certain cultures, they have been thought to bring luck, prosperity, and protection to their wearers.

The Allure of Green Sapphire Jewelry

The distinct color and intriguing characteristics of green sapphires have made them a popular choice for jewelry designers and gem enthusiasts alike. Their versatility allows them to be the centerpiece of engagement rings, earrings, pendants, and other exquisite pieces. Green sapphire engagement rings, for example, provide a unique alternative to traditional diamond rings, reflecting a couple's individuality and love for the extraordinary.

Caring for Green Sapphire Jewelry

Caring for green sapphire jewellery is relatively straightforward. As durable gemstones, they are resistant to scratches and everyday wear. However, it's essential to clean them regularly with mild soap and warm water to maintain their brilliance. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasives that could potentially damage the gemstone or any surrounding metals.

In Conclusion

Green sapphires are a true embodiment of nature's artistry and beauty. Their captivating color, intriguing characteristics, and rich symbolism make them a cherished choice for jewelry connoisseurs and anyone who appreciates the wonders of the natural world. Whether you're drawn to their unique hues or the stories they tell, green sapphires continue to shine as one of Earth's most alluring treasures.